Today, I went to go get a rick of wood. Not a lot of people
know what a rick of wood is. According to Google it is “A full cord is a stack
of wood 4 feet tall, 8 feet wide and 4 feet deep (128 cubic feet).” I have
back, shoulder, and neck problems. I really wanted to help my boyfriend because
he had been working 16 hour days and sleeping just a few hours.
When we pulled up to the gate there were 2 big dogs. I am
terrified of any size of dogs. I stayed outside of the gate while my boyfriend
tossed the wood over the fence. I envisioned the chunks of wood bouncing up and
hitting me in the jaw. Then me losing a few teeth. I always find the downside
of everything.
After we got all the wood loaded onto the trailer, we had to
drive all the way back home. Then we had to unload the full trailer of wood. What
would anyone need after doing all of that manual labor, a nap? I love naps.
Then after all that, my boyfriend took me to get macaroons. I
was so excited because I had been talking about this for weeks. The macaroons melted in your mouth. They were
truly delightful.
Now it was time for dinner. We should have made reservations
due to everyone was celebrating Valentine’s Day that night. The wait wasn't too
long. After all of that, we went home and fell asleep again. Even though we are
only in our early 30’s, we act like we are a part of the elderly community.
Sometimes it isn't what you do together, it is just the fact
that you are doing something together. I don’t need flashy dinners or jewelry. I
just need the love of the man that I love. That is exactly what I have and I couldn't
be happier.
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