I grew up in a big family. I was the second girl of 6 girls.
We ranged from age newborn to 10 years old. 6 girls in one house sometimes with
one bathroom. Don’t even try to imagine that because it was so much worse than
you can imagine.
My older sister is 362 days older than me. There is less than
a year in between us. She is the only sister I still talk to. I talk to her at
least once a week. My 9 year old son and her 5 year old son act like brothers
when they are together. They have so much fun playing.
My sister will ask me to do something so I will go out of my
way to do it. Then at the last minute, she will change her mind completely. Then
I will have to go out of my way to do something else for her. It hasn't just
happened once. It happens a lot.
I have gone out of my way to make arrangements to pick up
her son to watch him. At the last minute she will have someone else watch him
and my son is left just as confused as I am. Why can’t I pick up her son? Why does
she think he is going to get hurt in my care? Her son loves hanging out with
me. We have a blast.
The few, and I mean few, times I have watched my nephew were
times when she would call every 20 minutes wanting a status update on him. Has he
eaten? Has he peed? Has he been wanting her? Yes, I do feed children. I do
allow them to go to the bathroom. No, he has not been wanting you because he is
wrapped up in the fun we are having he doesn't miss you.
I think that is what she is scared of. The fact that he
doesn't want, need, or miss her when I am around. I guess it might be separation
anxiety. She allows him to still sleep in her bed. At 5 years old, he is still
sleeping with his mother. He is going to have separation anxiety also.
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